12 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 9

  1. For my check in, I am right on track with what is expected. I have created an eportfolio page dedicated to my feature creature story, and have it sectioned with bolded headlines. I was able to interview quite a few students who are presidents of multiple different clubs. I interviewed the presidents of the following clubs: Coral Club, Criminology Club, Generation Action, and Women’s Club Basketball. I found that the amount of questions I asked were extremely relevant to the topic of my story and provided me with more than enough information. The two main questions I asked these club presidents were: “Do you feel that UNE offers equal access to resources for your club and why?” And, “Do you feel that you can comfortably manage your time while balancing school and holding this leadership position?” These questions shaped my early draft, 400-500 word draft, and my workshop draft. With having this all done, I felt confident enough to be an early bird for the class workshop on Tuesday, February 18. Something that has been working for me was getting the interviews done early. As soon as my pitch was approved I started reaching out to club presidents and interviewed more people than I knew I needed. My workshop draft is at 742 words not including the headline or sub headline. I do not have anything left to complete before peer review, and am completely prepared for workshop day. I can’t wait for another great round of workshops!

  2. Journal #9:

    After working on my feature project about Safe Ride for the last few weeks, I would say I am on track. I have approximately 450 words so far. I have completed two interviews from students. One student lives in Sokokis Hall and shared their experiences with Safe Ride’s unreliability. Another student works in the Forum but has knee problems. Walking long distances are hard for her but Safe Ride is often not available. These interviews have helped me with the feature and provided valuable quotes. I have taken another look at the chapters from the textbook to help me with my headline, subheadline, lede, and nut graph. I have them written, but they will probably change a few more times. Before peer review, I need to get an interview with someone from security. I have reached out and gotten a response. I am scheduling a time to meet with the 1st shift supervisor in charge of Safe Ride. Once I complete the interview, I should be able to finish my feature. It will provide a valuable perspective to my feature. Overall, I would say I am in good shape. I am looking forward to workshopping it and making all of the necessary edits!

  3. For my feature creature, I have made some good progress on it. I have interview a handful of students (one of them being a TA). In the week or so a few different interviews lined up. This including a person from SASC, and several different types of professors. I am working on several different aspects of the article. Writing will continue once I have all the interviews and data collected. Another thing that I have to do is interview more students, I only have like 7 and all are friends, I got to get some unknown students. Overall, I have set myself for a good amount of material to work with and write about.

  4. For my creature feature check-in, I’m on track. So far I have created my creature feature page on an e-portfolio, and have bolded each section to ensure it is organized properly. So far I have kept up with each of the due dates which allowed me to feel comfortable submitting my workshop draft on the earlier side. I have around 450 words currently and still have to add in two more of my interviews. This is the only thing that will become a struggle is maintaining the word limit while making sure the important information still comes across. After our last class, I was able to get feedback on my article writing which I think will greatly help me narrow down my information and make it more digestible for the reader. I have to remember to break up the paragraphs and focus on the main points of the story rather than the smaller details. Once I get down the rest of the information from my interviews, I will be able to go in and edit out the information that isn’t as important. Hopefully, once I’m done with that I will be within the word limit and able to receive more feedback from the workshop.

  5. Throughout my Feature Creature I have been feeling very good about my progress so far. I think the best thing that’s kept me on track so far has been doing my interviews early. Since I was able to take care of my interviews so early I’ve been able to write freely throughout feature creature. Not only that but I’ve also been doing my assignment multiple times a week instead trying to cram it in all at once. Usually when I work on assignments I try to work on it only twice to not overthink my work. This time I started my assignment early and because of that I got to look at my assignment more than I usually do. Since I was able to walk away and get back to my thoughts and edit my work from the last time I had worked on my article has helped my essay in a long way overall. I think this strategy will be the strategy I try to continue to use for the rest of my articles if I get the grade I want on the assignment.

  6. I feel pretty on track for my feature creature. I think I’ve made solid progress in setting up the beginning of my writing and finding the angle I want to take. Finding my angle was one of the things I was struggling with at first and that stopped me from being able to get writing right away. I haven’t yet formally conducted any interviews and with that I think I’m behind. I plan to do a bulk of my interviews this weekend so that way I can start to focus my writing. I think if I start to dedicate more time to this project over the next week I can make some solid progress. I have been putting it off a little bit to focus on some of my other assignments but I want to start to catch up on it. I’m slightly behind on the word count with only 350 words at the moment but I think that is fine. I don’t want to keep writing and have my work be biased to my own personal experiences with first year housing. I want to make sure I do plenty of interviews so I can build a common consensus on the topic.

  7. I think my progress is ok for the feature creature. I have been gathering a lot of data but in terms of actually putting it together to create a piece I’m not that far along. I’ve conducted a bunch of interviews with students and faculty members, taking notes on the majority “vote” I guess on what students feel as well as teachers and comparing the two. I’ve also done research online to see what other research has dragged up to see how it compares to mine. So in terms of research going into my feature it’s going well, but I haven’t written anything decent yet for compiling all my data

  8. When it comes to getting on track, I need to do the following: I’m very behind on the FEATURE CREATURE. I need to either email Professor Miller or speak to him after class to figure out what I need to do specifically to get to where I need to be. When it comes to journals, I’ve done well keeping up with that. I need to make sure I’m staying up to date with the blog-proj. I also need to get specifics on the interview situation and get an understanding of what work comes with that. So overall, I need to start with the feature creature, figure out how to get caught up and start on that right away. Next priority would be interviews and doing the work attached to that. While doing both of those things I also need to stay up to date with blog-proj posts as well as the journals.

  9. I am behind on my work, but I have a plan to catch up. First, I will prioritize assignments and projects by their complexity and deadlines, and I can focus on the most urgent and important tasks first. I also plan to break large tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, which will help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I will also make a schedule for when I will be working on the assignments, making sure that I stay on track.

    One strategy I will use is getting rid of distractions. For example, I plan to leave my phone in another room when I sit down to study or work, allowing me to focus on the task at hand. I also intend to be more transparent about where I am with my progress. If I have any questions, I will talk with a peer or with the professor.

    To hold myself to this, I will establish daily and weekly goals. These smaller, achievable targets will keep me focused and provide a sense of accomplishment as I check off each one. Finally, I know that perfectionism can set me back, so I plan to focus on completing the tasks given to a good standard rather than stressing for perfection. This will help me be more efficient with my time and help me be more productive. Through these strategies, I’m confident I can catch up and get back on track.

  10. I think that I am on a good track with my Feature Creature project. I have gotten interviews from four different subjects so far however they are all students. I will need to start reaching out to other sources such as IT to make my feature more multidimensional. I am happy with the topic I am writing about as the issue of UNE’s online services being annoying and hard to navigate has plenty of backing behind it. My first two drafts have been a little bit short on word count as I am struggling a little bit with trying not to add too much repetative information. By getting more interviews by a broader range of people the story will begin to write itself more.

  11. I am on a relatively okay track with my feature creature story. I feel like I have a good theme for my story along with some background information. I do have a lot more interviews I have to conduct for this story though. I have only interviewed other freshmen so far so I feel like I need to interview upperclassmen as well to get a full look at different dinner options for athletes. I am also a little behind with word count and where I am supposed to be in my story but I am catching up. Other than that I feel like my story is coming along pretty well and it is a story other people could relate to. I do have trouble with staying on track for the journals and the blog proj. I have to start keeping an agenda of what I have to do for each journal and fill out in advance when the blog proj’s are due so I am not turning things in late or not doing them at all. I feel like I just need to work on my time management a little better and then I should be able to get on a good track to keep up with the work.

  12. I am on track with my feature Creature project. I have done all my interviews and started adding quotes to my article. I know the angle I want to take and what topics I want to cover that support my main topic. I plan to work on it more this weekend and get at least most of it done. I think my topic is strong and helps shed more light on the student newspaper. I am a little bit behind on word count so I will be catching up this weekend. I am going to prioritize the quotes I got from my interviews and have them support my topic. I plan to spread out my writing so that I dont cram writing it all at once. I think doing it over time will make a stronger article.

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