14 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 1

  1. From my understanding, journalism is the professional writing on different news platforms, magazines or even newspapers. Just like we practiced in class on the first day, reporters will gather information and deliver news on certain events to be broadcasted to the larger world. Most often, these reports are on current events and individuals, that include information that will inform the world about issues relevant in today’s society. There is accuracy that comes along with this, but is not 100% guaranteed. For example, if a journalist interviews multiple people in a robbery, stories could possibly not align. There may be witnesses that are more trustworthy than others which makes it hard to deliver 100% truthful information to society. Even though this type of event may be considered important enough to inform the world about, journalists also need to understand the emotional state that witnesses may be in. They need to respect the privacy of these individuals and not ask intrusive types of questions. It is important in journalism to also not reveal too much information about certain news events that will jeopardize the entire story. Journalism matters because it is the delivery of important news to the world. It also ensures that the world feels safe and assured that there are people out there trying to make the world a better place by informing the world about diverse topics like current events, sports, or technology. A recent example of this would be the wildfires in California. My sister lives in Los Angeles and was affected by these fires. She was able to tell us what she was witnessing first hand, but reporters and journalists were able to cover this event larger through national and local news outlets as well as online news platforms. This gave us more information on where the wildfires were headed and how she could stay safe. It was important to our family that there were people working hard to keep the rest of the world up to date, especially for those who were either in California, or have family there like I do.

  2. Journalism is a collection of information that is presented in mass media. It is a way for people to get information that is reliable so they can stay updated on the happenings ethier in the world, or just where they live. Journalism draws attention to issues happening around the world and could inspire someone to do something about the issue or try and help. There are many forms of journalism that suit all people in different ways. Not everyone is going to be interested in one topic that a journalist writes about, so it is up to different journalists to write things that keep people informed with what they are interested in.
    Journalism matters because of different types of media like social media, with Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook where many people get their news. But this news has a chance to not be right and can cause the spread of misinformation.Journalists commit to report on general world events, because people today consistently want to be educated and up to date on what is going on. There are also many other versions of journalism, for example investigative journalism that dives into digging up hidden truths that without this type of journalism the public would not have information about certain topics.

  3. “Journalism is the act of gathering and presenting news and information, though the term is also used to refer to the news and information itself” (Study.com) According to this article, journalism is an act of giving information to communities that need to hear it. Journalists give communities information relating to their specific community, which can help make the community stronger. In other instances, journalists help save the lives of thousands of people by making sure the people of the community hear about natural disasters or something else that could be dangerous to them, so that they have time to avoid these situations. Journalism can be produced in many different ways, including: news reports on tv, newspaper articles, or even social media posts. Journalists have some interesting ways of getting their information for their news reports, for example, in the past some journalists would try and gather information by going door to door to find out information about something relating to that specific community. More recently, journalists try to get information directly from sources by interviewing, accessing public records, or even getting information on online websites. Journalism is not only used to save lives, getting information out there but it is also used to help other people in a community feel heard and like their opinions matter. Some journalists write specifically to certain communities to express their same beliefs or laws going on with them and it can help others realize they are not alone.

  4. “Journalism is the act of gathering and presenting news and information, though the term is also used to refer to the news and information itself” (Study.com) According to this article, journalism is an act of giving information to communities that need to hear it. Journalists give communities information relating to their specific community, which can help make the community stronger. In other instances, journalists help save the lives of thousands of people by making sure the people of the community hear about natural disasters or something else that could be dangerous to them, so that they have time to avoid these situations. Journalism can be produced in many different ways, including: news reports on tv, newspaper articles, or even social media posts. Journalists have some interesting ways of getting their information for their news reports, for example, in the past some journalists would try and gather information by going door to door to find out information about something relating to that specific community. More recently, journalists try to get information directly from sources by interviewing, accessing public records, or even getting information on online websites. Journalism is not only used to save lives, getting information out there but it is also used to help other people in a community feel heard and like their opinions matter. Some journalists write specifically to certain communities to express their same beliefs or laws going on with them and it can help others realize they are not alone.

  5. Journalism is gathering information or news and transcribing it into newspapers, websites, or even the news channels to be broadcast. This often contributes to scripts or prompts discussions over current news that could lead to something bigger. If articles on smaller issues based on current events begin to get attention it could prompt more attention from larger news outlets and help those causes. This becomes important because it brings in different perspectives. This could mean political, social, or even specific interests like sports. Journalists oftentimes create their communities because of their follower’s specific interests. Bringing in a personable point of view connects readers or listeners to that journalist. Although it is nice to have different perspectives, not all news journalists’ reports are fully accurate. This may be because there is a certain level basis. Even though that may not be the journalist’s intention when they report on certain subjects, their views can be integrated into the report or news story. This also goes back to the idea of what type of writing style journalism is. Since it may not be true, some fiction ideas are often prominent in this writing style. Without this bias, it would be difficult to create these personable communities. They also bring awareness to issues that news outlets may not report on. They may not be important to larger news outlets, but those interested in more niche topics are more likely to follow that resource in the long run. Journalism is important for many different reasons and these are just a few in my opinion. As the course goes on I hope to learn more about the importance and if these ideas align!

  6. Journalism is something that is looked at as a recording of different events within a particular area. These areas could be anywhere from a small town to a whole country or even the world but journalism is also something along the lines of recording history through the eyes of the civilization or area that is taking place in. Journalism is not strictly factual based, some journalists strive to be factual and very to the point of what happened while others like to put their own spin and biases on what happened. The events that are reported on can various aspects of the area’s demographics and insights, such as their cultural, religious, or political stand points. Journalism has no strict structure but it has a generalized set of things to follow and it’s very interesting to observe and participate in journalism and see yourself as a journalist and how others interpret these boundaries. This is my interpretation of what journalism is.

  7. A quote written by James W. Carey in the reading A Short History of Journalism for Journalists: A proposal and Essay defines journalism as “a variety of public communities have been constructed, including religious elites, political factions, reform associations, ethnic groups, cultural interest groups, people who live in cities and people who form a nation. Journalism is by nature public publication means to make public” (2-3). This definition shows just how versatile and powerful among different cultural identities journalism can be.
    Journalism is a very important part of one’s expression in this day and age. When one covers a piece that resonates with a diverse audience, it creates a sense of connection with people of different backgrounds and a place to learn about others different from yourself.
    The need for accurate and credible resources has been important since news was first created. Journalism is a source that doesn’t show any sort of bias or create a false narrative. The factor of truth creates credibility and accountability among journalists. Sometimes the news may attempt to keep important information in the dark, journalists make sure that this doesn’t happen. The truth is a key factor to how we receive news.

  8. Journalism is when you write for a newspaper, magazine, news broadcast, etc. And it’s important because you are a big reason for why people are getting to know what’s happening in their community. You go out and discover, interview, and investigate so it can be reported back to the public.

  9. Journal #1- Jadyn Stevens

    Journalism is the distribution of news with the purpose of educating the public on current events. Information is gathered through interviewing and researching before being put into a form to be consumed by others. It informs people on a wide variety of topics including natural disasters, politics, events, and more. Journalism is encountered in physical and digital forms. A component of journalism is providing that information in an unbiased way so that the consumer is not swayed to think in a specific way. There is a strong need for journalism as it keeps people connected with the happenings of the world. It fosters a sense of transparency and allows people to form opinions on important issues. Journalism reports on the issues and strengths of parts of society. It is crucial that journalists have the right to share the truth and provide accurate information. Famous broadcast journalist Walter Cronike said, “Freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy”. Journalism is vital to democracy as it keeps the regular person informed on critical issues. People have the right to be educated on news without censorship. Journalists try to find the truth and hold certain organizations accountable. Journalism is also important for the protection of people. Dangers such as weather and attacks are highlighted for people to see. It often acts as a warning to guide others into making decisions that are best for themselves. Citizens can take the information presented by journalists and use that to develop their own opinions or thoughts. Journalism is crucial to life as we know it. An organized society and democracy would struggle without the presence of journalism.

  10. Journalism is the practice of gathering information and presenting it to the public through different mediums. These mediums can be print, electronic, or digital and be published in various ways. For example, journalism can be printed in newspapers, broadcasted over the radio, or posted to a website with text, photos, and even video. The primary goal of journalism is to inform the general public about various news stories that are deemed noteworthy. It is also important that the information being published is the real truth and the stories are told in an ethical manner.

    Journalism is highly important as it is crucial for maintaining a well informed society. Important and relevant news is relayed to the public allowing for citizens to understand what’s going on in the world around them. This can be on a global or more localized level. Either way journalism can expose different types of issues that the average person wouldn’t otherwise know about. Without putting a spotlight on these issues, there is no support to work against them. The public holds a lot of power to make change and without journalism the public is simply out of the loop. Additionally, when the public is well informed, it can allow for a really strong democracy. Through journalism, voters are able to truly understand and think critically about the candidates who they are looking to elect. Furthermore, it holds those in power accountable as their decisions are under the eye of the public. For these reasons, journalism is highly important for a healthy society and really does matter.

  11. Journalism is when one gathers information, puts together the information and releasing it to the people. In today’s age people use journalism for many different ways like to learn about what happened in last nights sports game or what is happening with their favorite celebrity, but what it is really meant for is to keep people up with what is going on in the world.
    Many people might not realize it in today’s society but journalism is more important than they realize. You see without it we would not know what is happening in our local town, state, or even the U.S. when we would be in need. For example, if a big storm or natural disaster were to happen people would be in when we would be in need.
    In today’s age journalism can be taken advantage of all because a hand held device everyone owns called a phone. People have began to become so accustomed to finding their information on a video they saw on their phone rather than pick up a paper and see what is going on in the world. Due to this, many journalist have began to put their articles on websites and make them more accessible to people.
    In the end, journalism is much more than just a way to keep a person entertained. It’s how we keep up with the world politically, let’s us know about important information when we need, and give us a way on how we look at this world.

  12. What is Journalism and why does it matter?

    Journalism is observing and writing down your takeaways to present to other people to inform the reader. Journalism is great for educational purposes to give viewers knowledge of current news happening around the world. Or for entertainment purposes of diving deeper into a story. Bias however, can disrupt good journalism and make some reports and reporters not credible. It is important to be able to spot bias in journalism as a reader so you can form your own opinions on topics that you read about. This way you are better informed on news around the world and are not filled with others opinions and you can actually make your own opinions. Every Journalist has their own style of reporting which makes it fun in the sense that you can play within the lines of good journalism and make it your own in a creative way. As long as its within word count and focuses on educating the reader.

  13. What is journalism and why does it matter?

    The distinction between journalism and other forms of writing, namely ones with creative self-expression, is the objective truth about it. Though not all news reported is a guaranteed reliable source, journalism focuses on real events that are important to the immediate life of the consumer. As a definition journalism can be described as the creation, collection, and spreading of news. Additionally, because of this it also acts as a record of events, especially told from the public’s eye. The connection and communication that is formed during this interaction is where the nuance lies in this form of writing, and where it becomes important to society. In public individuality and a connection based off that is hard to make, but an objective truth can unify a group and create a different kind of connection. Focusing on matters that impact all those in a community foster connection and teamwork that can keep an area thriving. And the effort that it takes to gather and spread the information of the community is why journalism matters. It also makes education more accessible, even if it’s the simple education of an issue with the town water supply that’s been reported on in a local newspaper. The spreading of any information is enough to make the thoughts in people’s minds turn and look toward their neighbor to discuss it. Journalism also has an innate sense of rebellion to it and most importantly acts as a system of checking and reliability. Exposing new information to the public allows them to gather control of the matters of the world around them. It doesn’t stop at a newspaper, but journalism continues by word of mouth from those who worry and expand upon it until it’s not just a form of writing but actions that are being taken to improve aspects of the world.

  14. To me journalism is a person’s ability to take a story or something that happened into account without bias or personal opinion and putting that story into writing. And not only that, doing so in a way we can look back as a race and use that writing as a source of what happened as time passes. Journalism as it ages is basically our way of publicly keeping record of our history. As technology advances that’s only getting easier and easier as things like google have existed since I was a kid. The counter argument to that would be, if say children were looking up events of the past and the first thing that came up was Wikipedia, there are reasonable reasons to question the reliability of the information they’re taking in. But again, with that being said, I was taught about reliable sources in middle school when we were given computers. That was 2016, technology has only further advanced in schools, and it wouldn’t be unbefitting to say that these kids are probably being taught what reliable sources are at an even younger age because teachers understand that in today’s day and age, google is going to be the go-to for most kids. All of that is to say, technology now allows virtually anyone to access journalism whenever and wherever. Combining those two things, makes finding good credible journalism priceless because with technology it’s a modernized way of bridging the past and future.

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